Airport and Transportation

UTA Frontrunner Vineyard Station

Utah Transit Authority (project managed by the Utah Department of Transportation) | Vineyard, Utah

Envision provided electrical engineering for the planning, design, and construction of this $4 million Frontrunner commuter rail station. The new Utah Transit Authority (UTA) rail station located at Vineyard, Utah, now connects the state’s fastest growing city to the commuter rail line which services residents and commuters along the Wastach Front—from Utah County (south) to Weber County (north).

Envision collaborated closely with the owner and design team related to the specialized infrastructure required for the station. The team connected electrical, communications, and fiber optics to allow train communication with the “Positive Train Control“, a system utilized by UTA for the FrontRunner track system to keep trains travelling safely at the right speed. Electrical engineering services were also provided for station lighting and security systems, in addition to an adjacent park and ride lot.

Client: CRSA Architects


  • Electrical Engineering

  • Lighting Design

  • Telecommunications System Design

  • Security Systems Design

  • Construction Administration